Module Three: Compile a comprehensive profile

You must first complete Module Two: How do you create a vibrant learning environment? before viewing this Lesson
Please purchase the course before starting the lesson.

In this module you will learn about…

  • The background information you require in order to plan activities that engage children in learning
  • The specific information about each child’s interest and needs in order to plan the appropriate that move children forward in their learning.

Are your displays colourful and informative?

Sample‘ All About Me’ display

Activity 1

What background information will you need to form a profile about the children in your care?

Use the template in the next slide to gather this information.

Self Assessment and Reflection:

How does your finished task compare to the completed child profile in the next slide?

Reflection questions

Can you suggest some activities that allow children to be able to:

  • Use their imagination,
  • Develop curiosity, explore and make discovery
  • Observe and discuss their findings
  • Experiment, investigate, ask questions
  • Be creative and make models using different materials

Useful website link on children’s background information

Back to: Early Years Steps to Success! Part One