Maximising the Practice of Teaching Assistants ‘What Teachers need to know’

(Licenced by Centre for Inclusive Education, University College London, UK

Who should attend?

This workshop is suitable for all members of the School Inclusion Team, Inclusion Leaders, Special Needs Coordinators, Curriculum Coordinators and especially teachers.

Course Description:

This is a half day course based on the book: Maximising the Practice of Teaching Assistants: Guidance for school leaders and teachers and the EEF Guidance report, Making the Best use of TA’s

Some of the topics covered include:

  • The evidence and recommendations from international research on the use of TA’s
  • Deploying TA’s in the classroom
  • Use of TA’s to deliver structured interventions
  • Rethinking TA’s interactions
  • Scaffolding framework
  • TA as expert scaffolders of learning
  • TA’s role in the assessment for learning cycle

Contact us now on

to book an in-house workshop session to be held at your school or jointly with another school’s Inclusion Team!